Thursday 6 June 2013


They say that moving house is the third most stressful event in one's life. Having done it eighteen times with DM - or mostly without DM due to the siren's call of the film industry, one would think that it would be easier. 
It never is.
Hence the discombobulation that both DM and myself are feeling at the moment. This is the first time that we have not had a house to live in since 1974.

A psychologist would have a few words to say about that + the multiples of our possessions in storage + a new language + a new country + I am missing my cat.

It has taken us 'til today to start to settle. Mind you the fact that DM ruined his best walking shoes in the garden before we left, created the need to find an Ecco shop in BA toute suite. That did not happen...and for those of you that like Colorado goods and are planning to travel here - the store that is listed as a stockist does not have one item of Colorado. Anyway - we have a brand new pair of walking boots for DM and are now eagerly awaiting the only other thing lacking in his life - a new charger for his new Leica camera, which unfortunately the removalists secreted somewhere in our last container.

Dear Valerie in New York is jetting one to us as I write. There appears to be nary a Leica in the town - let alone a charger.

So what do all girls do when stressed - look for a cake shop
...and here it is

The last few days we have been walking around getting to know our neighbourhood of Palermo. It ranges between posh and seedy, manic and calm, noisy and quiet, architecturally gorgeous to bloody awful - like most big cities of 6 million people, really.

We found a lovely deli/store which is a bit like Hill Street for the Hobartians, billed as a Dean and Deluca for the NY people (but not really)

So our time so far has taken up with walking and eating and that can't be all bad!

Plus I found a Tupperware shop

What more could one want!

Well...perhaps a shoes and matching handbag shop


  1. So happy to be following your adventures Patricia, after seeing that handbag and shoe shop, I am on the next plane!

  2. Roz - you would love it here!

  3. I am going to retry commenting! Having quite a game!!!

    But so lovely to be following your adventures (though not the mustard powder attack!) and the lovely photos! Looking forward to seeing you soon! xxx

  4. Are you on an iPad Sasha? Richard's brother says he can't comment using his but it is OK with a laptop. P

  5. You find all the best shots, keep safe, maybe a small can of hair spray in your pocket might be handy? We will talk about you today at our movie morning and all wish we were somewhere more exciting. Hobart Hugs

  6. Love that your blog is back and better than ever! And the photos are amazing. Loved seeing the photos of the cemetery and cafe (hope you went on my reco) but sorry to hear of the incident at the Evita museum (hope you didn't go on my
    reco :-. I'm following every post!
