Friday 7 June 2013

First meal

Well, we asked for a chicken sandwich and this is what turned up

Will have to consult the dictionary a bit more I think - and walk even more

We went to the Home Hotel, on Willy and Jo's recommendation and got lots of advice on BA from Tom and Patricia. Wonderful boutique hotel in Palermo and this is in their garden

I presume the tree is native - but forgot to ask what it was. There is a lot of Guerilla Crochet in this town - not knitting, just crochet, but this is beautifully done and seemed to me just right in this location.

This one was pretty good too - it may by the same person as it was close by, but the style is different

Sort of aboriginal in a woolly/quilty kind of way. Can I say that? Well I just did


  1. Love the Guerrilla crocheting!!

  2. Finally!!!! Its taken me ages to post that!! I am sure you will agree that it was all worth the wait....Anyway - I am back on board.
