Friday 13 September 2013

The Owl and the Potager

No this is not a name of an English pub - it is a reprise of St John's Manor - well worth a second airing.

Buttress hedges

Yes - they are all real...

The building in the background is a potting shed. Wish it was mine

Perfect grass paths in the potager

Onions and shallots out to dry

Owl training in progress

What a lovely visit...


  1. Thank you for all these wonderful photos, I have enjoyed every one, it's a very cheap way to have a holiday. Spring has sprung over here, late snow for us, bushfires for NSW. I hope is is good for you and Richard.
    Thanks for sharing your adventures

  2. The first eight pics: Oooh, lovely, isn't it pretty?

    The last pic: Patricia looking badass! Except for the smile you look like a Bond girl!
