Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Gorey Castle at Midnight (also known in Jersey French as Lé Vièr Châté)

Walking back from dinner on the pier we stopped at the castle green for a photo opportunity

Who is that man in a hat lurking in the dark? Well, not really dark, due to the huge light beaming from the hill across the road onto the castle every evening - and it is not even a Xenon (for those of you in film who know what a Xenon light is) DM thinks it is a massive daylight Tungsten floodlight and it is about half a kilometre away




  1. From Stanley:
    Often read about Jersey being somewhat of a "closed" community. Now I understand. Not one window in that castle. That could account for inhabitants wandering aimlessly around past midnight wearing hats & taking photos, lack of air to the brain. Obviously genetic & contagious condition as Richard, to the best of my knowledge was born in & has spent most of his life down under screaming obscenities while taking "snaps" outdoors. Strangle cattle.
    Horse of a different colour; loved the snaps particularly the one of the Boogeyman. Interesting that Hannibal Lector's sister lives in Jersey. Weird cattle.

  2. Stanley - there are 'rooms with a view' on the other side. Look in the links I have put up. However I agree it would have been pretty dark in there and they didn't have Ikea to go to for candles...
